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Working with animals is an extremely rewarding and exciting career for those who genuinely love them.
Animal training refers to teaching animals certain responses to specific conditions. It prepares an individual to teach and exercise animals and make them learn companionship, protection and entertainment.
Animal trainers are trained instructors who carry out variety of training techniques to teach different types of animals. It is a broad field which includes working with different types of animals like dogs, elephants, marine mammals, birds, cats etc.
If you choose to become an animal trainer, first you must decide what type of animals you want to work with.
- PET ANIMAL TRAINER: They usually work with dogs, cats, birds etc.
- SERVICE ANIMAL TRAINER: Is essentially a specialized dog trainer. They teach basic manners and special commands appropriate to the dog’s field of work. They are also trained specifically for detective jobs in the police department or jobs that include guiding people with vision or hearing impaired.
- MARINE MAMMALS TRAINER: They train mammals like whales and dolphin for show.
- EXOTIC ANIMAL TRAINER: Lions, tigers, bears and other wide animals are trained by exotic animal trainers.
- HORSE TRAINER: For a variety of competitive equine sports including dressage and show jumping, horse race etc.
For this animal trainers normally use positive reinforcement in a variety of ways which includes offering toys, food, rubdowns, play etc. Some trainers consider natural behaviors of the animal and intend to modify behaviors of animals by following the principle of reward and punishment.
- Animal trainers have the responsibility to maintain animal’s health and supervising dietary habits. They provide food and water, groom, bathe, disinfect clean and repair their cages and exercise animals.
- They also play with animals, provide companionship and monitor animals for injury and illness.
- There work maybe unpleasant, physically and emotionally demanding and sometimes dangerous.
- When working with animals, there is always the risk of bites , scratches and other injuries.
- Minimum qualification required to work as an animal trainer is class XII with 50% or more aggregate.
- Candidates need to have some training and additional education in case they want to become special trainers for special animals.
- Candidates who want to train marine animals and exotic animals require a Bachelor’s Degree in Zoology, Marine Biology, Animal science or psychology. Along with this they also need to swim well.
- B.Sc (Hons) (Zoology)
- B.Sc (Zoology)
- (Marine science)
Apart from qualification, it is mandatory to undergo animal training programs offered by experienced trainers or institutes. Several clubs and organizations offer training programs and voluntary certification for aspiring animal trainers that include lectures, reading assignments and practical hands on experience with variety of animals.
The training workshop varies with the animals trained. For instance, dog trainers course covers topics like study of canines, learning theory of animals, safety etc.
Whereas, horse training includes horse health, horse handling, grooming etc.
- Love for working with animals.
- Passion for their care and patience.
- Possess strong animal handling skills.
- Should be able to understand moods and activities of an animal.
- Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills are essential.
- Critical thinking, decision making and time management is crucial.
- Those engaged with the training of marine mammals should be familiar with swimming and diving.
- Physical and mental stamina is very important.
- Animal Caretaker
- Zookeeper
- Pet Groomer
- Horse trainer or Handler
- Dog handlers or trainer
- Marine mammal trainer
- Animal actor training
- Animal behavior counselor
- Can start his/her career with an average salary of Rs. 120000/- p.a.
- An experienced person can earn on hourly basis that varies from Rs.100/- to Rs.200/-.
- Animal trainers who are working in the film and entertainment industry, government organizations and research facility can earn better salary as compared to the animal trainers employed in any other industry.
- Animal Rahat
- Cochin Dog Training Academy and Pet Resort
- Dog clinic and Pet shoppe
- Dog Training Institute
- National Training centre for dogs (NTCD)
- Woodstock dog Training school
No college or university in India provide post graduate degree or graduation degree in fog training. But several training institutes, clubs and organizations offer voluntary certification for aspiring candidate.
It is basically the application of knowledge of subjects like math, science, economics, etc. to invent or to design tools, machines, solutions, components, research etc. This is a vast discipline used in almost every aspect of life. It consists of four major branches:
There are numerous sub-disciplines as well to Engineering that these four major branches covers.
According to American Engineers’ Council for Professional Development (ECPD):The creative application of scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to construct or operate the same with full cognizance with their design; or to forecast behavior under specific operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics of operation or safety to life and property.
1. | Acoustical Engineering | |
2. | Manufacturing Engineering | |
3. | Optomechanical Engineering | · Fiber optics
· Laser optics · Telescope · Cameras · Optical Instrumentation |
4. | Thermal Engineering | · Air Conditioning
· Refrigeration · Heating, Ventilation |
5. | Sports Engineering | |
6. | Vehicle Engineering | · Automotive Engineering
· Naval Architecture · Aerospace Engineering · Marine Engineering |
7. | Power Plant Engineering | · Geothermal Power Plants
· Coal-fired Power Plants · Hydroelectric Power Plants · Diesel Engine Power Plants · Tidal Power Plants · Wind Turbine Power Plants · Solar Turbine Power Plants |
8. | Energy Engineering | |
9. | Biomedical Engineering |
1. | Environmental Engineering | · Ecological Engineering
· Fire Protection Engineering · Sanitary Engineering · Waste Water Engineering · Municipal or Urban Engineering |
2. | Geotechnical Engineering | · Mining Engineering
· Foundation Engineering |
3. | Structural Engineering | · Earthquake Engineering
· Wind Engineering · Ocean Engineering · Architectural Engineering |
4. | Mining Engineering | |
5. | Transport Engineering | · Traffic Engineering
· Highway Engineering · Railway Systems Engineering |
6. | Water Resources Engineering | · Hydraulic Engineering
· River Engineering · Coastal Engineering · Groundwater Engineering |
1. | Electronic Engineering | · Digital Electronics
· Telecommunications Engineering · Control Engineering |
2. | Power Engineering | |
3. | Optical Engineering | |
4. | Computer Engineering | · Software Engineering
· Hardware Engineering · Network Engineering |
1. | Molecular Engineering | |
2. | Biomolecular Engineering | · Genetic Engineering
· Immunology · Engineering of RNA and DNA |
3. | Materials Engineering | · Ceramic Engineering
· Polymer Engineering · Crystal Engineering · Biomaterials Engineering · Metallurgical Engineering |
4. | Process Engineering | · Textile Engineering
· Paper Engineering · Plastics Engineering · Petroleum Refinery Engineering |
5. | Corrosion Engineering |
- Creative
- Problem Solver
- Logical Thinker
- Mathematically Inclined
- Technical Knowledge
- A Team Player
- Great Communication Skills
- Strong Analytical Attitude
- Team Building Characteristics
Bachelor Courses
S.NO. | COURSE | |
1. | B.Tech(Bachelor of Technology) | |
2. | B.E.(Bachelor of Engineering) | |
3. | of Science) |
Master Courses
S.NO. | COURSE | |
1. | M.Tech. | |
2. | M.Eng. | |
3. | M.Sc. |
Doctoral Courses
1. | M.Tech. | |
2. | Ph.D. |
Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is an undergraduate engineering programme conducted for admissions in various engineering colleges like IIT’s, IIIT’s, NIT’s, CGFI and SDFI.
- Mains
- Advanced
1. | JEE NOTIFICATIONS | 3rd week of Nov, 2017 |
2. | FORM SUBMISSIONS | 1st week of Dec, 2017 |
3. | LAST DATE OF FORM SUBMISSION | 1st week of Jan, 2018 |
4. | HALL TICKETS | April, 2018 |
5. | JEE EXAMINATION(pen and paper) | 1st week of April, 2018 |
6. | JEE EXAMINATION(online) | 2nd week of April, 2018 |
7. | ANSWER KEY | May, 2018 |
8. | RESULTS | May, 2018 |
9. | COUNSELLING | June, 2018 |
Dates of entrance exams vary every year. The above mentioned table is for the year 2017 & 2018.
1. | Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati | 4.0 |
2. | National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli | 4.1 |
3. | Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore | 4.3 |
4. | Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi | 4.2 |
5. | College of Engineering, Pune | 4.1 |
6. | Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad | 4.5 |
7. | Thapar University, Patiala | 4.4 |
8. | Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat | 4.8 |
9. | Indraprastha University, Dwarka | 4.2 |
10. | Visvesvarya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur | 4.1 |
1. | Stanford University |
2. | Harvard University |
3. | Massachusetts Institutes of Technology |
4. | California Institute of Technology |
5. | University of Oxford |
6. | Tsinghua University |
7. | National University of Singapore |
8. | ETH Zurich- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology |
9. | Imperial College London |
10. | University of California |
FIELD | SALARY(per annum) |
Software Engineer | 3.8 Lakh |
Mechanical Engineer | 3.5 Lakh |
Civil Engineer | 3.3 Lakh |
Electrical Engineer | 3.5 Lakh |
Chemical Engineer | 4.3 Lakh |
Hardware Engineer | 1.8 Lakh |
Textile Engineer | 2.5 Lakh |
Mining Engineer | 6.5 Lakh |
Transport Engineer | 3.8 Lakh |
Thermal Engineer | 3.5 Lakh |
Environmental Engineering | 3.7 Lakh |
Biomedical Engineer | 3.3 Lakh |
Aerospace Engineer | 8.6 Lakh |
Just for check
Lorem Ipsum
“Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit…”
“There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain…”
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eget nibh ornare, sollicitudin felis id, consequat massa. Phasellus orci turpis, tempor at facilisis dictum, viverra nec lorem. Sed accumsan, mauris vitae interdum feugiat, tortor magna elementum erat, quis porta augue risus non ligula. Phasellus sed justo eu orci consequat ullamcorper ut vel diam. Morbi aliquet congue nisl, vel condimentum tellus gravida at. Nulla vehicula justo ut nunc iaculis, in tempor sapien hendrerit. Morbi sit amet posuere tortor, eu fermentum nisl.
Vivamus at consectetur diam. Aenean pretium pretium velit at mollis. Maecenas elementum et enim et consequat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam convallis nisl quis dictum tempus. Curabitur dapibus tortor ac orci porta fringilla. Donec ornare, magna a luctus tincidunt, lacus sem bibendum sem, quis eleifend libero augue id augue. Quisque tellus felis, interdum at libero vel, dignissim volutpat leo. Mauris a mauris et nunc euismod venenatis eget vitae risus. Vivamus sem lectus, consectetur ac eros a, convallis porta dolor. Praesent ultrices at libero pellentesque tristique. Vivamus nec quam eu nulla placerat feugiat eu nec orci. Maecenas pulvinar nisl libero, vitae bibendum nibh pharetra ac. Mauris semper felis sit amet aliquet ullamcorper.
Etiam ac ex dignissim, hendrerit purus id, vulputate nulla. Maecenas fringilla tristique dui id cursus. Aenean quis massa hendrerit, pulvinar est blandit, pulvinar enim. Proin id tincidunt tortor. Fusce et blandit dolor, sagittis semper quam. Maecenas metus elit, venenatis sit amet ipsum tristique, dictum pellentesque augue. Donec massa dui, luctus ut dolor non, pellentesque porta felis. Quisque massa felis, fringilla ut cursus pulvinar, porttitor in ex. Cras congue urna nisi, eget venenatis enim posuere nec. Praesent ultrices efficitur lectus quis pretium. Nam consequat nibh ante. Proin at dolor quis justo faucibus dapibus. Nunc hendrerit pharetra ornare. Maecenas maximus magna nulla, in porta dolor varius eget.
Nunc nec posuere ex. Suspendisse sit amet ullamcorper nisl, et eleifend quam. Vestibulum finibus a turpis vitae maximus. Maecenas ut sapien vel ex dapibus porttitor. Sed at lorem ut massa interdum congue. Cras dignissim, quam sit amet vestibulum luctus, nulla sapien bibendum felis, cursus euismod est purus at eros. Sed a hendrerit sem, vel cursus tellus. Phasellus augue dui, vestibulum ornare viverra eu, volutpat sit amet nibh. Nulla et malesuada ligula.
Pellentesque vel nisi at elit dapibus tincidunt quis at elit. Etiam eget tellus eget dui mattis feugiat. Morbi in eros tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed laoreet, libero ut vestibulum mollis, neque ex egestas eros, tempus posuere elit ex ac lacus. Integer condimentum mauris nibh, ac malesuada libero convallis quis. Donec laoreet odio ex, at aliquam quam dictum et. Aliquam sodales blandit mattis. In at porttitor quam.
When people love you too much there is a reason! #ProudToBeAnEngineer
Same stands for Engineering as a career. There is a reason why it is an evergreen career option.
It’s become fashionable to criticize people who hope their kids take up engineering as a profession in life. But the truth is the criticism is for the idea of influencing your child’s choice of career on the basis of market demand and not for engineering as a profession.
The world will require engineers for ages to come for creating, constructing, maintaining, renovating, recycling to reusing everything humans use in this world from phones to satellites, software to supercomputers, from taps to dams, from tricycles to space shuttles, from tents to skyscrapers, from needles to Robotic check-ups, the list is never ending!
So if you have the #IAM – Interest, Aptitude and mindset to become an Engineer you are lucky to have the option of working under and over the seas, on land and in mines, over the mountains and in tunnels, on the frozen Poles to the hot deserts, and in homes and space stations.
After equipping yourself with an engineering degree you can become an engineering College professor, a research and development engineer, production or quality control engineer, marketing or sales and service engineer in the branch of Computer Science and Information Technology , Electronics and Communication , Electrical , Mechanical , Civil, Aeronautical, Automobile, Chemical, Architecture, Petroleum, Automation and Robotics, Genetics, Marine, again a long list of options to suit your Interest.
Where you get your degree from matters in your initial years of job hunting, once experienced your work and attitude speaks. Before taking admission in a B. Tech course please check its credibility from the Ministry of Human Resource Development website.
Summing up the MHRD rankings for Engineering Colleges for 2016-
- The 1st five positions are taken up by the IITs namely IIT Madras, IIT Bombay, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Delhi And IIT Kanpur
- 6th to 11th position by IIT Roorkee, IIT Hyderabad, IIT Gandhinagar, IIT Ropar, IIT Patna, IIT Guwahati
- 12th NIT Tiruchirapalli, 12 NITs find place among first 50 and 13th rank for VIT Vellore and 24th rank for PSG Coimbatore – the only private institutions amongst the IITs and NITs.
- Remaining 5 IITs between rank 14 to 26 are IIT Banaras, IIT Indore, IIT Mandi, IIT Jodhpur, IIT Bhubaneshwar
- 10 more NITs fall between 51st to 92nd rank
Some Private Universities and Engineering Colleges to reckon are SRM Chennai and MIT Manipal, are BITS Pilani, PSG Comibatore, BITS Mesra, Thapar , etc.
The various technical degrees available are:-
- Diploma courses from Polytechnics
- Bachelor of Engineering (B. E.) Or Masters of Engineering (M. E.)
- Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) or Masters of Technology (M. Tech)
- Courses outside the University systems include Postgraduate Diplomas, Master Certificates etc. in Tool Design, CAD/CAM, leather processing, Railway Engineering, Cement Technology, Foundry, Metallurgy, Sugar technology, Alcohol Technology, Pulp and Paper Technology
- The Institution of Engineers (India) is a national organization which held examinations equivalent to B. E. /B. Tech. and has 15 million members.
The only drawback of becoming an engineer is you won’t find time to waste. Be an Engineer.
Get complete career counseling to help you select a truly rewarding career
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